Migrant workers’ foreign remittances improve

COLOMBO: Sri Lankan migrant workers’ foreign remittances have seen an improvement in April 2023 in comparison to the inflows recorded in April 2022, according to Minister of Labour and Foreign Employment Manusha Nanayakkara.

Thereby, workers’ remittances have climbed to USD 454 million last month from the inflows in April 2022, which amounted to only USD 248.9 million.

This is an increase of USD 205.1 million (82.4%), the minister said further.

However, compared to the workers’ remittances in March 2023, which added up to USD 568 million, the inflows in April 2023 witnessed a slight drop.

Sri Lanka has consecutively registered over USD 400 million in migrant workers’ remittances in the four months of 2023, with cumulative inflows reaching USD 1867.2 million.

Workers’ remittances were at USD 437.5 million and USD 407 million in January and February, respectively.