Foreign Ministry’s condolences on demise of ambassador

The Foreign Ministry of Sri Lanka expressed its deepest condolences on the passing of the Ambassador of France to Sri Lanka and the Maldives Jean- François Pactet.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs learns with deepest sorrow of the sudden demise of His Excellency Jean- François Pactet, Ambassador of France to Sri Lanka and the Maldives.”

The Foreign Ministry will extend all assistance to the French authorities and the family of the late Ambassador,” the ministry said in a statement.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it is in close coordination with the French Embassy in Sri Lanka at this time of grief and that the funeral arrangements will be notified by the authorities in due course.

The Ambassador of France to Sri Lanka and Maldives, Jean-François Pactet, passed away at his official residence in Rajagiriya on Sunday (26), at the age of 53.

Ambassador Pactet had passed away due to a sudden illness, according to sources.